Kev Colbear Design

MEET Kev Colbear
Kev started working with metals in his teens. He studied art in Suffolk and Surrey, ultimately specialising in the creative use of metals.
He offers a refreshing approach to consultancy and design, producing pieces of high-end furniture and architectural features for the home, garden, or workspace. He has a range of work in stock and also enjoys bespoke commissions for furniture, sculptural pieces and decor – commissions have ranged from practical gates and fences to unique pieces like the gigantic spider arbour and the phosphorescent dragonfly. He enjoys sculptural pieces but massively loves a challenge. Aesthetics and practicality; form and function – they’re equal in his book.
Involving his clients in the design and development process of commission pieces, he always ensures that he understands the requirements and persona the work must assume.
His workshop is in a barn in rural Suffolk: East Bergholt to be precise. He holds regular events there throughout the year, so do follow him on social media. If you’d like to visit outside of these times to see his work for yourself, please visit his website.