The Garden Room Shop Is in the Regional finals of the Muddy Stilettos AwardS!
NOTE: Voting has now closed, and we’re awaiting the results on 2 May – thank you for voting for us!
Whoop! Whoop!
We can hardly contain our excitement!

Amazingly, your kind votes for the Garden Room shop in the first round mean that we have made it into the Muddy Stilettos Awards Regional Finals for the Best Lifestyle Store in Suffolk and Cambs.
It’s fair to say that we are thrilled – thank you for voting for us in the first round!

With your votes, we made it into the Top 5 in the Best Lifestyle Store category.
All the previous votes have now been wiped away and it’s time to start again. Please do vote for us again, if you did the first time, and if you didn’t – well, we promise we will love you for ever if you vote for us now!
To vote:
- Click Here
- Enter your email address
- Choose the BEST LIFESTYLE STORE category
Thank you!!!
Voting open now, until Thursday 18th April.
It’s astonishing to have got this far, considering the Garden Room shop only opened this January. Thank you to all our wonderful visitors who have come to visit so far (and who have voted).
The Garden Room shop is constantly evolving, so if you haven’t been yet, do come and pop in if you’re in the area. We’d love to see you!
(PS – here’s the link to vote – thank you!!)

Featured link
Garden Room Shop