Spring has really arrived now here in Suffolk, and it feels glorious!
The sunshine is interspersed with rain showers, which creates perfect growing conditions.
The sugar beet that was planted last month is growing daily:

Awns of winter barley are now starting to appear:

The wildflowers are bursting into colour, which is not only beautiful but provides a valuable source of pollen and nectar for bees and insects. This is Crimson Clover from our autumn bumble bee mixtures:

If you’d like to take a walk here to enjoy the beautiful Suffolk countryside, have a look at the walks that are listed on our website.
It’s not just the plants enjoying springtime, these cattle are enjoying their summer grazing in the Oak Farm Meadows.

Some more of the wild flowers on the Estate…

… and a short walk along one of the vibrant green lanes with delightful birdsong.